Rules & Regulations

Please follow these rules...

The Mustang Roundup Baseball Tournament
Hosted by Mustang Baseball of Central Ohio

May 19 – May 21, 2023

General Tournament Rules:

1. Umpires: Abuse of umpires will not be tolerated. This tournament is for the youth playing the games. Not for parents with misplaced priorities. Game officials are human beings and therefore not expected to perfect. Excessive umpire abuse will be documented with the tournament director. Excessive cumulative abuse can result in a tournament ban for violators.

2. Playing rules will follow this document, and modified OHSSA. This is a mid-level select level tournament for select teams as defined by Nations/Five Tool Baseball and or AA level teams as defined by USSSA baseball. Sorry no elite teams.

3. A tournament director or coordinator is permitted to manage or coach a team in this tournament.

4. The time limit for all pool play games in the 9U-13U divisions will be 1 hour and 45 minutes (no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes). There is a 2 hour hard stop on pool games only. If the inning is not complete the score will revert to the previous full inning. The home plate umpire will declare the start time at the beginning of each game. The game start time shall be recorded on the game stat sheet. The time limit for bracket play games for 9U-13U will be 1 hour and 45 minutes (no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes). There is not a hard stop in bracket play. There is no time limit only for championship games.

5. The home team will be decided by a coin flip during pool play games (between the umpire(s) and a manager/coach from each team). During bracket play, home team is determined by the higher seed.

6. The official scorebook will be kept by home team and score confirmed with the visiting team and umpire after each inning.

7. Mercy rule for 6 inning games:
After 3 innings (2 1⁄2 for home team) – ahead 15 runs or more
After 4 innings (3 1⁄2 for home team) – ahead 10 runs or more
After 5 innings (4 1⁄2 for home team) – ahead 8 runs or more

8. Mercy rule for 7 inning games:
After 4 innings (3 1⁄2 for home team) – ahead 15 runs or more
After 5 innings (4 1⁄2 for home team) – ahead 10 runs or more
After 6 innings (5 1⁄2 for home team) – ahead 8 runs or more

9. After each game, the manager or coach MUST meet with the home plate umpire to review and sign the game summary card. This card will represent the game’s official scoring and pitching records. Manager or Coach’s failure to sign the game summary card prior to umpires leaving the field will result in his/her team relinquishing its ability to challenge that game’s official scoring or pitching records and could result in forfeiture of that game.

10. Each team will need to be at their assigned diamond no less than 45 minutes prior to game start time. Games can start up to 30 minutes prior to posted game start time.


12. Protests: will be permitted at the time of the incident ONLY. $100.00 must be posted at the time of the protest. Games will not continue under protest. The home plate umpire will resolve all protests. The umpire may contact tournament officials, but the umpire makes the final rulings. No further protests are permitted. If the protest in not upheld, the $100.00 fee will be forfeited. If protest is accepted, the $100.00 protest fee will be returned to the team. No protests on judgment calls. Roster and pitching challenges will not be treated as protest requiring the $100.00 fee and can be brought to the Tournament Director’s attention at any time.

13. Awards: There will be awards for 1st and 2nd place in each division. Each team will receive individual trophies or medals, as well as a team trophy.

14. Roster/Insurance: Rosters must be turned in Weds May 18th. Rosters will be frozen at this time. Proof of Insurance is due prior to start of games on Friday, May 20, 2022. Rosters will be entered into Tourney Machine by all teams prior to tournament.

15. Conduct: There will be a “zero tolerance” for any physical confrontations by coaches, players, and fans. First violation of this rule will result in immediate removal of the facility and the tournament.

16. Behavior: Head coaches are responsible for the conduct of themselves, coaches, players, and fans. A player, coach, or fan may be ejected for foul language or abusive behavior. The ejection is for the remainder of the game and the following game. A second ejection will result in dismissal of that person from the tournament. If ejected, that person must leave the field area. Failure to comply will result in forfeit of the game. Only the Head Coach should communicate with the umpire’s during the games.


18. Tobacco: Use of tobacco products of ANY kind is prohibited on all fields and within 30 feet of the dugouts.

19. Runners must avoid contact with fielder. If runner does not slide and contact occurs, the runner MAY be declared out and MAY be ejected from the game.

20. Age cutoff date is May 1st. If requested by tournament officials, coaches must be prepared to present birth certificates for all his/her players. Failure to do so upon request of the tournament coordinator could result in game forfeiture.

21. Cleats: Metal spikes are not permitted in ages U12 and under

22. Metal cleats will not be permitted on portable mounds.

23. Slug Bunting is not allowed in any age group. 

24. Roster batting will be allowed during the tournament. This must be declared prior to the start of the game.
    • If a team loses a player due to injury or illness his spot in the batting order will be skipped (no automatic out).
    • If a team loses a player while roster batting caused by an ejection or misconduct, then the spot in the batting order will be an automatic out.

If team chooses NOT to roster bat – Starting and finishing a game:
    • A team may start a game with 8 players. The vacant spot (9th spot) will be an automatic out each time this player should have batted.
    • However, if the 9th player shows, he must be inserted in the last batting position.
    • A team starting with 9 players may finish with 8 players provided there are no available players
    • A team starting with 10 players may finish with 9 players provided there are no available players
    • If a team loses a player due to injury or illness and must play with 8 players (9 if started with 10), his spot in the batting order will be skipped (no automatic out). If the shortage is caused by an ejection or misconduct, then the spot in the batting order will be an automatic out.

25. Optional Extra Hitter (EH) may be used. The EH may bat in any position in the lineup but must be in the batting order at the beginning of the game. The EH may enter the game as a position player.

26. 9U-13U divisions: NO Designated Hitter allowed.

27. An optional courtesy runner may be used for the catcher and/or the current pitcher at any time. The optional runner must be a bench player. If no bench players are available, the player who made the last out may run for the catcher / current pitcher. Courtesy runners for catchers is mandatory with 2 outs. If team has opted to roster bat, the courtesy runner will be the player who made the last out. 

Pitching Distance & Base Paths
9U -10U: 46/65
11U-12U: 50/70
13U: 54/80

Bat Restrictions
9U -13U Divisions: Bats must be stamped 1.15 BPF and will have no weight drop restrictions. Alternatively, BBCOR, USA and/or Wood Bats may be used. BESR stamped bats are illegal and cannot be used.

Pitching Rules
1. Pitch counts must be entered on the Game card after the game and signed by both coaches. FAILURE TO ADD PITCH COUNTS WILL RESULT IN PITCHER BEING CREDITED WITH 75 PITCHES FOR THAT GAME. EVEN IF THEY DIDN’T THROW THAT MANY. YOU MUST HAVE THE PITCH COUNTS ON THE CARD. It is recommended that scorers use game change t confirm teams pitch counts

2. For 9U-12U, (6 inning games) each pitcher will be allowed to throw 125 pitches for the tournament with a daily maximum of 75 pitches.

3. For 13U, (7 Inning Games) each player will be allowed to throw 140 pitches for the tournament with a daily maximum of 85 pitches.

4. If a pitcher reaches the daily or tournament pitch limit in the middle of an at bat they may finish pitching to that batter but then must be removed from the mound.

5. Penalty for violating pitching limitations will result in immediate forfeiture of the game.

6. Balks: One warning per team per game for 9U-10U divisions. No warnings for 11U-13U.

**A player removed from the pitching position (starting pitcher or subsequent relief pitcher) may not return to the pitching position for the remainder of that game** The defensive team may correct this rules infraction at any time by substituting a legal pitcher without penalty. If an illegal pitcher is permitted to pitch, any pitch or play that results is legal. The rule violation should be caught by the Umpire or the offensive team and immediately corrected. If the violating pitcher has legal pitches remaining, the violation is deemed an improper substitution and is corrected without penalty. If the violating pitcher has no legal pitches remaining, it is deemed a pitching limitations violation pursuant to forfeiture of the game.

In case of rain or other unforeseen circumstances games may be shortened or game times changed at the tournament director’s discretion. The tournament director reserves the right to change scheduling, rules, and or times or number of games played or any other necessary decision. If the Mustang Round Up is cancelled due to inclement weather, refunds will be issued as followed:
• If NO games are played teams will receive a 75% refund.
• If one game is played teams will revive a 50% refund.
• If two games or more games are played there will be zero refunds.
• No refund if a team does not finish the tournament and elects to drop out.

Tie Breakers
The official score of a forfeited game is 7-0
Teams will be seeded in bracket play by the following:
• Win/Loss Record
• Head to Head
• Runs allowed
• Run Differential
• Coin Flip